How to debug u-boot
In previous two chapters: 1 and 2 we used Eclipse IDE to debug Embedded Linux user layer application. In that post we will use Eclipse as IDE to debug U-boot using usb debugger J-Link connected to target hardware using JTAG interface. Hardware setup First we have to setup hardware: connect J-Link to target hardware using […]
Embedded linux development and remote debugging using Eclipse IDE. Part 2. Makefile application
In previous chapter we used Eclipse for Embedded linux development and remote debugging of simple application for embedded linux. Now we are getting one step closer to OpenWrt – we will use Eclipse for development and remote debugging of application represented as OpenWrt package (Makefile based application, in fact). But this a
Embedded linux development and remote debugging using Eclipse IDE
In previous post we explained ways to speed up embedded linux development process. By reducing source code compilation time (10x) and time to deliver changed code to target hardware we increased speed of development. 2-3 minutes to compile and deliver changes instead of 30-40 minutes gave us way not only grow up productivity but also