OpenWrt has reach set of network configuration options so going to write set of articles to learn little bit deeper in the world of networks. Each article will describle some case that you might face during building networks.Here is first article in the set. Daisy chaining One of the our customer asked to help with […]

After getting u-boot fully debuggable it is finally time to use such powerful tool and deep dive in U-boot to learn how it is working. Looking ahead here is diagram providing U-boot initialization sequence starting from first step in reset function and finishing with cli_loop checking for input command typed by user through long list

In previous chapter we got U-boot debuggable. Partially debuggable as we turned out. The thing we missed is relocation. The workaround provided in that document is simple enough but not might be comfortable. Here suggested workaround adopted to NetSoM to get fully functional u-boot debugging procedure. Command line mode debugging Star

In previous two chapters: 1 and 2 we used Eclipse IDE to debug Embedded Linux user layer application. In that post we will use Eclipse as IDE to debug U-boot using usb debugger J-Link connected to target hardware using JTAG interface. Hardware setup First we have to setup hardware: connect J-Link to target hardware using […]

After getting SampleApp running the next steps to bring NetSoM development board to fully functional Alexa development kit was adding voice controllers. Looks simple at first glance. Just make few changes in source code as explained in manual above: add definition to enable controller you are going to use: CMAKE_OPTIONS=-DCMAKE_BUILD_