Here described IMX6 audio  streaming VOIP solution using  NetSoM development board based on IMX6ULL SoM as SIP client. Hardware requirements. You have to stick WM8960 audio module to NetSoM development board. This setup will act as SIP client allowing to make a voice calls to/from another devices in network.  Software requirements.

Here described IMX6 audio recording and playing out-of-box solution using linux arecord and aplay utilities. IMX6ULL to be precise. Based on NetSoM development board. Hardware requirements. You have to stick WM8960 audio module to NetSoM development board. Then plug some audio speakers or headphones to audio module.  That audio modul

After 1.5 years of development process we are glad to inform you that IMX6 SoM for network solutions released. First Openwrt driven industrial grade SoM based on IMX6ULL. Originally developed for internal usage as core processing unit in LoRaWAN gateways we are developing later we desided that SoM we got looks like mature viable stand