Lorawan water meter
Lorawan water meter for less than $10. Yes, without display. Coming soon. More photo in our telegram channel m2m-telecom
Lorawan gateway GW-01. Developers guide. Armbian.
You can build Armbian image for GW-01 from source. This gives you way to customize lorawan gateway. To do that: Clone Armbian OS project $ git clone –depth 1 https://github.com/armbian/build $ cd build Start image compilation process: $ ./compile.sh Configuration menu windows appears. Select “Full OS image for flashingR
Lorawan gateway GW-01. Developers guide. OpenWrt.
You may want to build OpenWrt image for GW-01 from source. This gives you way to customize lorawan gateway. As it is open source you can do it easily. Clone repository with documentation and OpenWrt patch for gateway. $ git clone https://github.com/wireless-road/lorawan-openwrt.git Pay attention for “openwrt-orangepi-zero-201804
Lorawan gateway GW-01 getting started.
Lorawan gateway GW-01. GW-01 is low cost open source Lorawan gateway. The device consists of two interconnected boards. Top of them implements LoRa PHY using SX1301 which is digital baseband chip for outdoor LoRaWAN macro gateways. Bottom one is well known orange pi zero development board with light modification – 8MB onboard
lora gateway raspberry pi shield
LoRa became a very powerful wireless communication interface that gives the way to build big scale wireless networks containing hundreds and thousands of devices. Used topology is a star when all nodes send information to web server through some amount of gateways. The most interesting feature of LoRa interface that one gateway can ha