Once you decided to use OpenWrt driven NetSoM development board as starting point of development your own custom hardware first of all you should choose one of the available image configuration that feets your needs closely. Full list of available configurations can be found here. Here is simple selection algorithm: All configurations

After 1.5 years of development process we are glad to inform you that IMX6 SoM for network solutions released. First Openwrt driven industrial grade SoM based on IMX6ULL. Originally developed for internal usage as core processing unit in LoRaWAN gateways we are developing later we desided that SoM we got looks like mature viable stand

Two years ago when we started development of LoRaWAN gateway the only starting point that was not in doubt was the decision to use OpenWrt OS. Another requirement was the need to use and industrial grade processor. After many hours of searching we were unable to find such processor we can buy as is and design our […]